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Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before registering. By registering, you agree to comply with the terms outlined below:

Terms and Conditions: Soccer Camp

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before registering your child for our soccer camp. By registering, you agree to comply with the terms outlined below:

  • Registration and Payment:

a. Registration for the soccer camp is on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to availability.

b. Full payment is required at the time of registration to secure your child's spot in the camp.

c. Payment can be made online through our designated registration platform or by other methods specified by the camp organizers.


  • Camp Participation:

a. Participants must fall within the designated age range of 13 - 18 years old.

b. It is the responsibility of the participant's parent or guardian to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process.

c. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards coaches, staff, fellow campers, and the facilities used during the camp.


  • Health and Medical:

a. Participants must be in good physical health and free from any contagious illnesses or conditions that may put themselves or others at risk.

b. It is the responsibility of the participant's parent or guardian to inform the camp organizers of any medical conditions, allergies, or special needs that may require attention or accommodation.

c. In case of injury or illness during the camp, the camp organizers will take reasonable measures to provide appropriate care. However, parents or guardians are responsible for any medical costs incurred.


  • Code of Conduct:

a. Participants are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the camp organizers.

b. Any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal from the camp without a refund.


  • Cancellation and Refund:

a. If you need to cancel your child's registration, a refund will be provided according to the following guidelines:

  • Cancellation made at least two weeks before the start of the camp: Full refund.

  • Cancellation made within two weeks of the camp start date: Partial refund may be available, subject to review.

b. Refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe, and any applicable administrative fees may be deducted.


  • Camp Changes and Cancellations:

a. The camp organizers reserve the right to make changes to the camp schedule, location, or activities if necessary. Participants will be notified in advance of any significant changes.

b. In the event that the camp needs to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will be provided with a full refund of the camp fees paid.


  • Photography and Media:

a. The camp organizers may capture photographs, videos, or other media during the camp for promotional purposes.

b. By registering for the camp, you grant permission for your child's likeness to be used in promotional materials, including but not limited to websites, social media, brochures, and advertisements.


  • Liability and Release:

a. The camp organizers, coaches, and staff will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety and well-being of participants. However, they are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage that may occur during the camp.

b. Participants, parents, or guardians release the camp organizers, coaches, and staff from any claims, liabilities, or responsibilities arising from participation in the camp.


By registering for our soccer camp, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us before completing the registration process.

Terms and Conditions: D'Amazin Lions Team

​Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before joining our soccer team. By becoming a member, you agree to comply with the terms outlined below:

  • Membership and Registration:

a. Membership in the soccer team is open to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria established by the team management.

b. Registration is required to become a team member and may involve providing personal information and completing necessary forms.

c. Membership is subject to team availability and selection criteria set by the team management.


  • Code of Conduct:

a. All team members are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner, both on and off the field.

b. Any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension or expulsion from the team.


  • Commitment and Attendance:

a. Team members are expected to attend scheduled practices, training sessions, games, and other team events, unless excused by the team management in advance.

b. Regular attendance is crucial for team cohesion, development, and performance. Persistent absence without valid reasons may impact a member's standing within the team.


  • Financial Responsibilities:

a. Members may be required to pay membership fees, team dues, or contribute towards team expenses as determined by the team management.

b. Failure to fulfill financial obligations may result in the suspension of membership benefits or participation in team activities.


  • Health and Safety:

a. Members must maintain good physical health and inform the team management of any medical conditions or injuries that may affect their participation.

b. Members are responsible for their own health and safety during team activities and should follow safety guidelines provided by the team management.


  • Team Policies and Guidelines:

a. Members are expected to adhere to team policies, guidelines, and instructions provided by the team management.

b. Policies may include rules for team communication, social media usage, team gear, travel arrangements, and any other specific team requirements.


  • Media Release:

a. By becoming a team member, you grant permission for the use of your likeness, name, and voice in team-related photographs, videos, or other media for promotional purposes, including but not limited to websites, social media, brochures, and advertisements.


  • Liability and Release:

a. The team management, coaches, and staff will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety and well-being of team members. However, they are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage that may occur during team activities.

b. Members release the team management, coaches, and staff from any claims, liabilities, or responsibilities arising from participation in team activities.


By joining our soccer team, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the team management for clarification before becoming a team member.

If you have any additional concerns or questions, Do not hesitate to contact us.


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